Connected teams drive motivation, innovation and collaboration. They are a crucial component in building a productive and efficient workplace. However, working from home fulltime presents a serious challenge to our most basic human need – meaningful engagement.

Block 2: Connect

In the “Connect” leg of the journey you will:

  • assess your ability to connect and communicate effectively in a virtual world;
  • understand what you’re set to gain by adopting effective connection strategies, and
  • get an insight into what makes human connection more meaningful and effective.

With the understanding and awareness in place, the goal will quickly shift to enhancing emotional intelligence by:

  • practicing self-awareness: how you relate to others, what your triggers are and how to respond to them effectively;
  • understanding the other: looking at the world through a different perspective, and
  • applying these skills to the virtual world, where the rules of human connection are different.

At the end of the ‘Connect’ block, you will be

  • better aware of your and others’ emotions;
  • better able to manage your emotions and respond to those of others, and
  • better equipped to stay connected while working digitally fulltime.

It’s more than just learning

With peer-to-peer sessions and personal coaching specifically tailored to your needs, you’ll be given that bit of extra help to make positive change happen.