Under the current circumstances our energy batteries – physical, emotional and mental – are stretched to their limit and more easily depleted. We all know we cannot push the gas pedal forever; but we rarely stop to reflect on the best way to recharge our own batteries, and how much time we actually invest in what keeps us ticking.
Block 3: Renew
In the “Renew” leg of the journey you will:
- assess your ability to recharge yourself effectively under the working-from-home circumstances;
- understand what you’re set to gain by adopting maximally effective recharging strategies, and
- gain an insight into the science behind effective recovery and its effect on your brain, mood and well-being.
With the understanding and awareness in place, the goal will quickly shift to enhancing effective recharging of your batteries by:
- identifying what makes you, as a unique human being, feel alive, and how you can incorporate more of that in your life;
- applying mindset tools for short term, in-the-moment recovery, and
- sharpening the focus on the positive.
At the end of the ‘Renew’ block, you will:
- be aware of your ‘Super-Chargers’ – your personally effective way(s) to recharge and spend your precious ‘Me Time’;
- understand the positive changes that these ‘Super Chargers’ create in your brain, and
- have the tools to rewire your brain for positivity and optimism, resulting in increased energy and wellbeing.
It’s more than just learning
With peer-to-peer sessions and personal coaching specifically tailored to your needs, you’ll be given that extra bit of help to make positive change happen.