To improve your focus, notice how you lose it

Being able to sustain focus effectively sharpens mental resilience, frees up wasted energy and gives a better sense of self-agency – the ability to control one’s environment. This in turn has substantial impact on our performance and wellbeing.

The goal of the Focus block is to support and improve your ability to focus. This can be done by identifying and minimising your most common distractors and in parallel, strengthening your focus muscle. This two-way approach helps us manage our work tasks better and make more effective use of our energy-demanding mental processing power.

Get set & reflect

Every process of change starts with awareness of the current state of affairs. To improve your focus, you first need to notice how you lose it. In the coming days we encourage you to take a few moments to reflect on your own focus and especially your distractors. Download the PDF below to find out more about the art of focusing and reflect on your focus performance. This short reflection exercise will prepare you for the training session. 

Sneak preview

Next week the team session will take place. Together we will dive into the neuroscience of focus, practice useful focus tools and develop a personalised action plan. In the following weeks you will receive weekly tips & tools to help you practice and further experiment with your new focus habits. Further down the line you will coach and be coached by a colleague during the peer-to-peer session (one per block). And if you need any extra help along the way, a personal coach is always available through here.